Hiding In Plain Sight: 5 Reasons Why Paper Forms Cost More Than You Realize

December 17, 2022  |  Shadowbox   | 

In this webinar, our CEO Gregory A. Stein was the featured speaker with Dean Paluch, CRO of Wave HDC. Greg shared some in-depth industry insights on the challenges many paper-based labs face, from staffing shortages and wage inflation to the high cost of claim denials. The webinar showcased how Shadowbox and Wave HDC technology are redefining what it means to provide electronic orders and results.

During the session, we discussed the following:

  • The true cost of paper requisition forms and the hidden costs associated with using them
  • Investment in automation and data curation solutions that cost less than paper and provide a return on investment
  • Shadowbox and Wave HDC data curation solution (known as the Wave Analyzer) eliminates paper forms and manual tasks wherever possible

Are you ready to ditch the paper forms and unplug your fax machine? Connect with Shadowbox today!

Shadowbox is a smart, secure, HIPAA-compliant automation platform built for healthcare. We tackle interoperability and compliance by turning your browser into an “infinite API.”

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