Case Studies

Shadowbox clients see increased revenue, reduced costs, and happier clinic customers.


case study

Birdrock Laboratories - Realizing 10x return on Shadowbox tech

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San Diego, CA-based Birdrock Laboratories is a blood, toxicology, and molecular diagnostic lab,  providing services to healthcare providers seeking fast turnaround times on clinically actionable results. As a high-complexity, COLA-accredited laboratory, Birdrock seeks to expand services beyond the local community and has licensed Shadowbox as its EHR automation provider.

When customers want to begin ordering tests and receiving results electronically, Birdrock can now provide them with their own branded ‘Birdrock’ easy-order application, which instantly connects to the clinics' EHR. Because each clinic uses its own EHR, training its staff takes just a few minutes. Birdrock can begin receiving electronic orders in just a couple of days, not weeks or months, and they can be confident that those orders are accurate.

In an industry where the standard for EHR integration is costly to implement and slow to complete, Shadowbox is lightyears ahead of the alternatives.

  • Staff is trained on Shadowbox in few a minutes

  • Electronic orders can be initiated within days not weeks or months

  • Each order is complete and accurate

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Since August 2018, Birdrock has implemented Shadowbox in more than seventy practices across eleven states. Jonathan A., an executive at a multi-location intensive outpatient treatment facility, said, “At one point, we considered switching lab providers, but then we found out the new lab didn’t offer Shadowbox. That was the end of that discussion.”

With Shadowbox, Birdrock increased revenue through more successful insurance claim collections, reduced staff costs previously spent on tracking down missing billing information and appealing denied claims, and dramatically reduced the time needed to onboard new customers.

“Every time we convert a practice from paper to Shadowbox, we reduce claims with missing billing information by more than 90%. As a result, Birdrock is realizing a 10x return on our investment every month.”

Shadowbox is our interface solution. Period!

Seth Maheau, co-founder and CEO, Birdrock Laboratories

case study

Myriad - Finding Shadowbox

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Discover how one of the nation’s largest genetic testing and precision medicine companies began solving their interoperability challenges.

Myriad's Urology division provides state-of-the-art genetic testing supporting risk factors related to men's health.  This rapidly growing division at Myriad struggled to automate the test ordering process for their customers as the internal IT department already managed a hefty pipeline of scheduled projects with limited bandwidth to code more traditional or API integrations. That’s when Sam Sgambati, Myriad’s National Director for Sales and Strategic Accounts found Shadowbox.

They asked Shadowbox to enable their clinician customers to implement an electronic ordering and resulting process for the Prolaris and MyRisk Hereditary Cancer tests without requiring the use of Myriad’s internal IT resources.  That’s exactly what happened.  Shadowbox digitized Myriad’s order forms and embedded them in a white-labeled “Myriad Test Ordering Application” installed on the clinician’s desktop computer.  With a single click, a patient’s critical diagnostic, demographic, and insurance information is transferred to the digital order form. The clinician completes the order and submits it electronically to Myriad where the order awaits for the specimen to arrive at the lab. This out-of-the-box solution can be installed in a new clinician’s office in a matter of minutes with zero use of Myriad’s internal IT resources.

As a result of the successful easy-ordering solution, Myriad commissioned Shadowbox to add a feature that automatically notifies the referring physician (usually the pathologist) that a Myriad test has been ordered and once completed, automatically provides them with an electronic copy of the results.  Following this implementation, Myriad continues to identify and consider other opportunities to implement Shadowbox across the enterprise.

Shadowbox tech is an elegant solution that enables us to begin transitioning clinicians from paper to electronic ordering. They did so without taxing our internal resources.

Sam Sgambati, National Director, Sales & Strategic Accounts, Urology Myriad Genetics


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