Introducing Shadowbox Iris™

Shadowbox, a leading provider of healthcare automation, is proud to introduce Shadowbox Iris™, a patented, HIPAA-compliant, browser designed for healthcare. Shadowbox Iris enables the safe transfer of patient data across browser-based applications.

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Four Reasons Your Imaging Center is Losing Patients and Money 

Four reasons your imaging center is losing patients and money

Healthcare providers estimate losing up to 20% of revenue due to “referral leakage.”  While it may sound like a medical term, referral leakage occurs when patients are referred to a specialist but do not follow through with an appointment. Most troubling, when a referral is sent via fax or paper, it is only 54% likely to be scheduled.  

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Shadowbox Launches Automation Platform for Imaging Centers

Shadowbox, a leading innovator in healthcare automation solutions, is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking healthcare workflow automation platform tailored for imaging centers. This innovative platform revolutionizes order entry and results from outpatient clinics reducing cost while enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and patient care.

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In the Age of Generative AI, Will the Insatiable Need for Data Trigger a Reckoning for Healthcare?

Several weeks ago, I had the honor of sitting among some of the finest minds in healthcare and engineering to learn about the Future of Digital Health presented by the Center for Health Innovation at UCSD Health. Funded in large part by San Diego philanthropists Joan and Irwin Jacobs, the Center intends to be a driving force in the transformation of healthcare.

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The Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA) for Laboratories: What You Need to Know 

Congress passed the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) in 2014. The purpose was to ensure millions of seniors could maintain access to critical health services, however the reality is that Congress was looking for an offset to previously mandated cuts to reimbursement for Physicians which were regularly exempted each year by Congress.  PAMA “limited” cuts to laboratories at 10% in each of year one through three, and 15% in each of the following three years. 

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The True Cost of Traditional Lab-EHR Integrations

Automation and real-time data exchange are critical tools to advance quality care and reduce cost in healthcare. That said, more than 50% of diagnostic labs still operate using paper forms. The true cost of those paper forms is at least $30 per order. 

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