Shadowbox Launches Automation Platform for Imaging Centers

November 6, 2023  |  Shadowbox   |  ,

Shadowbox’s automation platform for imaging centers revolutionizes order entry and results from outpatient clinics reducing cost while enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and patient care.

SAN DIEGO, Nov. 6, 2023/PR NEWSWIRE/ — Shadowbox, a leading innovator in healthcare automation solutions, is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking healthcare workflow automation platform tailored for imaging centers. This innovative platform revolutionizes order entry and results from outpatient clinics reducing cost while enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and patient care.

Shadowbox redefines workflow automation between healthcare providers and their customers, instantly connecting their systems to a library of their ordering clinician’s electronic health records (EHRs). Shadowbox’s patented technology enables complete, accurate, and cost-effective transfer of patient data, freeing providers from manual paper processes, expensive EHR integration projects, and costly claim denial remediation. 

Key features of the new healthcare workflow automation platform include:

  1. Seamless Integration: Integration between a library of EHRs and Radiology Information Systems (RIS) for a seamless and paperless order entry and results workflow.
  2. Enhanced Billing and Claims Processing: Clean, complete patient information, along with optional time-of-order automated insurance verification and prior authorization, reducing revenue cycle bottlenecks and improving financial efficiency.
  3. Compliance and Security: HIPAA and SOC 2 compliant automation ensuring adherence with healthcare regulations through tight data security with robust encryption and access controls.

Gregory A. Stein, Founder and CEO of Shadowbox, Inc., expressed his excitement about the launch, saying, “Shadowbox understands the challenges that imaging centers face in an industry where too many orders are still made on paper. Our solution is purpose-built to enable fast, accurate, compliant and cost-effective orders and results across referring clinicians and their preferred imaging centers.”

Shadowbox, Inc. has a strong track record of delivering innovative healthcare technology solutions in the diagnostic space, providing automation to laboratories, durable medical equipment providers and behavioral health providers. With this latest platform, the company empowers imaging centers with the same value and return on investment being realized by these adjacent service providers.

Shadowbox leadership will be attending the upcoming Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting hosted in Chicago, IL in late November 2023.  For more information about Shadowbox, Inc.’s healthcare workflow automation platform, please visit or contact

About Shadowbox

Shadowbox is a ground-breaking, patented automation platform built for healthcare. By powering a browser with security, AI, and user-driven cross-application connections, Shadowbox offers instant integration and automation across the healthcare ecosystem.

Read the announcement on PR Newswire here.

Shadowbox is a smart, secure, HIPAA-compliant automation platform built for healthcare. We tackle interoperability and compliance by turning your browser into an “infinite API.”

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