Shadowbox Pricing

Choose your ideal package!

Monthly Yearly (Save up to 13%)


$3,499 /month$40,000 /year
  • Unlimited Locations & Transactions
  • HL7 Integration to Customer System
  • White-labeled Application
  • Sales & Marketing Support
  • 4 Custom Compendia Per Year
  • Dynamic Electronic Requisition Form
  • One-Touch Results Processing
  • 10 Support Hours
  • Windows
  • Order Log
  • API Integration
  • Electronic Signatures
  • New Product Features
  • EHR Mapping
Most Popular


$4,999 /month$ 55,000 /year
  • Unlimited Locations & Transactions
  • HL7 Integration to Customer System
  • White-Labeled Application
  • Sales & Marketing Support
  • 12 Custom Compendia Per Year
  • Dynamic Electronic Requisition Form
  • No-Touch Results Processing
  • 25 Support Hours
  • Windows/macOS
  • Order Log
  • 1 API Integration
  • Physician Electronic Signatures
  • New Product Features
  • EHR Mapping


$8,999 /month$ 95,000 /year
  • Unlimited Locations & Transactions
  • HL7 Integration to Customer System
  • White-labeled Application
  • Sales & Marketing Support
  • 24 Custom Compendia Per Year
  • Custom Branded Dynamic Requisition Form
  • No-Touch Results Processing
  • 50 Support Hours
  • Windows/macOS
  • Order Log
  • 3 API Integrations
  • Physician & Patient Electronic Signatures
  • New Product Features
  • 1 Qualified EHR Mapping

*If you represent a large institution with multiple ancillaries or departments that wish to use Shadowbox, please contact us to discuss enterprise pricing.

Empowering seamless integrations for healthcare.

Book a demo with our team and we'll walk you through our pricing model, ensuring you find the perfect solution for your needs.

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*NOTE: We do not share personal information collected on this website. To learn more about how we handle your information, visit our privacy policy page.